Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Writing - Essay

An Ideal Husband

God creates everything in pairs. And as we know, human are created in pairs too. They are women and men. And they are complementary. Like the women and men, they need each other and complement each other. Because humans are social creatures who can not live alone but need someone else in her or his life. It has commonplace thing if a women or a man need partner in life to their lives, rain the sunnah prophet to marry and build a family if they have been able to out wardly and in wardly, continuing the next generation and build families sakina, mawadah and warohmah. Both the man a woman has specific criteria for choosing life partner. A woman would want a husband who is an ideal fit with the expected. And every woman has the criteria for each ideal husband. I am as a woman has an ideal husband criteria that I want to become priests for me and also my family later. These criteria that I want to become priests for me and also my family later. These criteria include terms of religion, he and his family background, work, physical and psychological.
The first criterion is in terms of religion. A man who would become my husband has to be the same in religion that is Islam. Because of the religion which I profess, it is not legitimate and will be considered zina lifetime if we are married couples religious differences. And this will continue I will grasp and I carried on. A husband is a priest for me and our children’s future. He was the leader of the family who will be responsible for us, and led his wife and son to stay on the straight path which in ridho by Alloh SWT, so they can enter heaven and become a family who loved and blessed by Alloh.
The second criterion is terms of him and his family background. Why this should be consideration in the criteria for an ideal husband for me is because in the end we will be part of the family. So should we know his background and also his family, well or bad his family, so that later there are no regrets in the end. In addition, it is also important for a woman, because this will affect our children’s future potential.
And next criterion is terms of work. This is obviously important for a woman to choose her future husband. And an ideal husband that I want is a job that he has certain, well established and guaranteed. Definite and assured here, is that he has a job that really guarantee himself, his family and his family will live, for example, a teacher and other civil servants, doctors, police, military, and so forth. Here he has established an adequate salary for the provision of family life. Because no doubt also that the money has an important contribution in the lives of today. And a good job will certainly give good effect also for us and our families later.
And the last criterion is in terms of physical and psychological. No doubt a woman would be to have a husband who looked handsome and manly stature, kindness, morality, loving, and romantic. It also is among my husband’s desire to be ideal for me. Faced, handsome, tall body big and gallant, generous, sublime minded, friendly and courteous, patient, affectionate, and romantic, and the last is not easily angered, and adult of course, more precisely minded adults in all respect. Because this will affects our children later.
In conclusion, every woman in this world must have criteria for an ideal husband respectively. So did I, as a woman I also have criteria for my ideal husband. These criteria include terms of religion, he and his family background, work, physical and psychological. Which is in fact, it was intended to have a husband who really would be a good priests, responsible and qualified for our families later.

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